ספירת העומר : 14 - היום ארבעה עשר יום שהם שני שבועות לעומר
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Baltimore, MD - May 7, 2024 - With Early Voting already underway and just one week until Primary Election Day, the Vaad HaRabbonim (Rabbinical Council) of Baltimore and leaders from local Jewish day schools met on Monday with leading candidates in Baltimore’s most crucial races. As in past years, the forum was coordinated by Agudah Maryland’s Rabbi Ariel Sadwin and took place at Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation. The leading mayoral candidates, current Mayor Brandon Scott and former Mayor Sheila Dixon, who are neck-and-neck in recent polling, both participated, sharing ...
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Baltimore, MD - May 7, 2024  - Rabbi Boruch Neuberger shares his voting preferences for the upcoming election.Click on the graphic below for a larger, printable version
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Baltimore, MD – May 2, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Rabbi Moshe Davids, z’l, husband of Mrs. Shula Davids, father of Chanie (Efraim) Silberberg, Yaakov Davids, Yosef Davids, Leib (Fran) Davids, Itta (Mendy) Weinfeld, and Chaim (Batya) Davids and brother of Lucille Hamet. The levayah was held  Friday, May 3, 2024 at 11:00AM at Levinson’s. Click here to watch video   Shiva will be observed at Clubhouse Condominiums 6711 Park Heights Avenue #309, Baltimore, MD, 21215The family respectfully requests no visitors before 10:00 am, between 12:30-2:30 pm, between 5:30-7:30 pm, and after 10:00 pm. Friday visiting: 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Mincha 5:00 pm Motzaei Shabbos: Maariv 8:45 pm Sunday: Shacharis ...
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Baltimore, MD – May 6, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Matthew Rosenblatt, z’l, husband of Tova Rosenblatt and father of  Andrew Rosenblatt, Edward Rosenblatt, and Shmuel Rosenblatt. The levayah will take place tomorrow morning, May 7, at Levinson's at 9:00 AM. The kevurah will be held at Cedar Park Cemetery, 735 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652. Shiva will be observed through Monday morning, May 13 at 6625 Chippewa Drive, Baltimore, MD, 21209 The family respectfully requests  no visitors from 5:00PM-7:00PM or after 9:30PMMinyanim:Shacharis:Wed & Thurs: Rosh Chodesh  7:00AM  Fri & Mon: 7:15AM Sun: 8:30AMMincha/Maariv: 7:50PM (Erev Shabbos Mincha 5:00PM)Maariv Motzaei Shabbos: 9:...
Baltimore, MD – May 7, 2024  -  4:12PM - Coming from the direction of Bais Yaakov, a fire truck, ambulance and police cars are blocking Park Heights at Hooks Lane forcing drivers to reroute.
Baltimore, MD – May 7, 2024 -  BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Binyamin Berkowitz & Alexis Leibowitz on their engagement. Mazel Tov to Usher Berkowitz and Sara Federman and Gary & Dena Leibowitz  and grandparents Ellen & Allan Federman, Gitty Berkowitz and Sara Rubenstein   יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
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US President Joe Biden delivered the keynote address today (Tuesday) at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s annual Days of Remembrance ceremony at the US Capitol. "This ancient hatred of Jews didn't begin with the Holocaust and didn't end with the Holocaust either, or even after our victory in World War II. This hatred continues to lie deep in the heart of so many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance," Biden said. "That hatred was brought to life on October 7th in 2023. On a sacred Jewish holiday, the terrorist group Hamas unleashed the deadliest day on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, driven by an ancient desire to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the earth," he said. "Over 1,200 innocent people, babies, parents, grandparents, slaughtered ...
Jerusalem, Israel - May 7, 2024  - Ahead of Yom HaZikaron, Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror which falls on Sunday night, May 12, this year, President Issac Herzog and his wife Michal met on Tuesday morning with representatives of the families of fallen soldiers at Beit Hanasi, in Jerusalem, Israel.  Walking into the main hall of the President's Residence, the Herzogs first greeted all the families who stood as they entered.  The President began with his remarks, "If I were required to describe all the stories and all the wonderful characters of your loved ones, I would say that this is the description of the State of Israel. The main qualities that emerge amazingly here are bravery, quality, integrity, and mission.&nbs...
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres demanded that Israel end its military operation in Rafah, less than a day after the IDF launched an operation to destroy the final four Hamas battalions in Gaza. "I am disturbed & distressed by the renewed military activity in Rafah by the Israeli Defence Forces," Guterres wrote on X today (Tuesday). "I urge the Government of Israel to stop any escalation, and engage constructively in the ongoing diplomatic talks." In a subsequent tweet, Guterres wrote, "I reiterate my appeal for Israel & Hamas to show political courage & spare no effort to secure an agreement now. To stop the bloodshed. To free the hostages. To help stabilize the region. This is a crucial opportunity that we cannot afford to miss." Guterres has been criticiz...
In recent weeks, IDF soldiers, led by the engineering unit of the Gaza Division along with the Engineering Corps of the Southern Command, Yahalom Unit and the Northern Brigade have been mapping and dismantling two additional attack tunnels located in the Beit Hanoun area in the northern Gaza Strip. These tunnels had been under continuous intelligence and technological surveillance. One of the tunnels was exposed in 2014 during Operation "Protective Edge". At that time, it was used by Hamas terrorists to cross into Israeli territory and was destroyed immediately afterward. Another section of the tunnel, located deep in the Gaza Strip and part of Hamas' extensive tunnel network, was targeted several times during the "Swords of Iron" War. After research and mapping work conducted in rec...
Parsha Hashavua
Parshas Acharei Mos - Singin' In the Rain

The world is in chaos.

The ancient battle between the forces of Yaakov and Esav, continues to rear its ugly head. The world united under the banner of the corrupt philosophy of Esav which seeks instant gratification; freedom from the clutches of morality; entitlement without investment; and a denial of a higher truth embodied within the nation of Israel and its illustrious history, is aflame with growing antisemitism.

We are in the last exile, the Golus of Edom, fighting once again to defeat its archangel — the Satan and its cohorts, as Yaakov did so valiantly early in our history.

We find ourselves positioned between the conclusion of Pesach and the Shabbos of Acharei Mos. In this week's portion we will read of the special service led by the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur, where two he-goats are selected: one designated, through the casting of lots, as the one 'to G-d' — a national sin-offering, with the other, the 'one to Azazel' — the bearer of all the people's sins pushed to its death over a cliff in the desert. 

Another pair of goats make a historic appearance, according to Pirkei D'Rebbe Eliezer, on Pesach eve when Rivkah plots to usurp the blessings from Esav, having Yaakov disguise himself and present two goats to his father Yitzchok, one serving as the Paschal sacrifice, with the other in the role of the Chagigah offering that accompanies the Pesach.

The Midrash teaches on the verse where Rivkah instructs Yaakov to fetch 'two young goats, טובים — good, choice ones', that it is emphasizing 'they are good for you' — in acquiring the blessing through them, and 'good for your children' — in that they will merit bringing two goats to atone for them on Yom Kippur, one to Hashem and one unto Azazel.       

The primacy of Yaakov over Esav is represented in Pesach, where after Yaakov's progeny paid their dues through years of slavery were embraced by G-d when He affirmed "My firstborn son is Israel".

On Yom Kippur, G-d once again upholds our role, even though we may have faltered, by welcoming our sincere repentance, permitting us to symbolically cast off the influence of Esav/Azazel/Satan from the cliff, and accepting 'the goat of Hashem' as a sin-offering bringing us atonement.

We are on a mission to rectify the world by bringing it back to the idyllic existence prior to the sin of Adam and Chavah. It can only be accomplished through the descendants of Yaakov. We will face many challenges in reaching that goal, but we are assured that we eventually will.

Rivkah seems to be the pivotal player in maneuvering events to journey on this trajectory.

Was it merely her guile that is to be admired here or perhaps her determination and self-confidence in risking it all for what she truly believed in?

Where did this confident determination stem from? How does one develop the character to gain such self-assurance?

Amid the Hagaddah, even before we have retold the full story of our exodus from Egypt, we ironically 'sing' the somewhat troubling, but nonetheless moving, piyyut of והיא שעמדה — And 'this' is what kept our fathers and what keeps us surviving. For, not only one arose and tried to destroy us, rather in every generation they try to destroy us, and Hashem saves us from their hands.

There is much discussion about what exactly is 'this' that keeps us surviving despite the incessant attacks of our enemies throughout the generations.

The word for 'this' — והיא, is written in the feminine gender, 'and she' is what kept us.

The Arizal avers that it refers to the שכינה — the Divine Presence, which always looks after us that intercedes on our behalf, time and again, that preserves us.

Rav Yaakov Weiss in his Sefer R'Nu L'Yaakov makes a novel suggestion that the feminine gender here refers to Rivkah Imeinu, who is the 'she' that keeps us surviving. He first quotes the Maharal who teaches that each of the four cups correspond respectively to the Four Matriarchs. The second cup, the one we lift when reciting this piyyut, thus correlates to Rivkah. Additionally, the Zohar states that the Jewish nation owes a great debt of gratitude to Rivkah, for if not for her instigation, Esav would have received the blessings with Yaakov never achieving his primary role.

I would like to take this a step further suggesting that it was 'she', specifically Rivkah, שעמדה — that stood, alluding to prayer which is often referred to as עמידה — standing before G-d in prayer, that continues to protect us from our adversaries.

But it wasn't just any prayer.

The only pair ever depicted as engaged in prayer was Yitzchok and Rivkah. Their names together, יצחק and רבקה, are numerically equivalent to the word for prayer — תפלה, and more specifically שירה — song. (515)

The day Rivkah encourages Yaakov to engage in her plan she coaxes him by relating that on this night the 'storehouses of dew' are opened, and the angels are singing שירה declaring that on this night your children in the future will be redeemed and sing שירה.

Singing to Hashem stems from a deep expression of closeness that erupts spontaneously, indicating an intimate bond between two parties.

Angels explode with song as the natural reaction to their cleaving to the Divine Presence.

Yitzchok is the first to utilize a mode of prayer called שיח. שיחה connotes a unrehearsed conversation between two parties that are close to one another.

When the Torah describes Rivkah upon discovering a conflict within her womb she instinctively says, seemingly to no one in particular, "If so, why am I thus?" 

Midrash HaGadol says she was 'conversing with G-d'.

When the verse states "And Hashem said to her" it was a response directly to Rivkah, with G-d continuing the conversation. The Midrash Shocher Tov points out that Rivkah is the only woman G-d 'conversed' with.

Living with an ongoing relationship with G-d, where one senses and is conscious of His presence and closeness, seeing it in every circumstance, creature, and experience, is the ultimate שירת החיים — Song of Life.

The Sefer HaIkarim interprets the dictum 'Whoever recites the Chapters of Shirah every day is truly a בן עולם הבא — is already rooted in the next world', as not simply about reciting the words, but rather depicting one who lives with a consciousness of G-d in every fiber of the world, both in apparent good and the seemingly bad, and sees and appreciates His hand in all.

I recently asked my good friend Reb Nechemia Feldman, to share with me an anecdote from his sedarim as a child. His parents were charming אמאליגער אידען — 'Jews of Yesteryear' and I was hoping to glean a sweet glimpse of that purer unadulterated world.

He thought for a few moments, not recalling anything particularly significant, and then suddenly remarked that yes there was a penetrating moment in the sedarim of his youth, that repeated itself from year to year, that remains ingrained within him forever.

When the family would come to the point of Vehi Sheamda, they would begin singing their traditional version of this piyyut, but when they would get to the point where we recite 'not only one arose and tried to destroy us, rather in every generation they try to destroy us…' , his mother, a survivor, would begin to weep and break into a monologue conversing with Hashem, recalling the tragedies that befell her. She would pose pointed questions to Hashem. She would complain. But throughout the tears she wouldn't wane nor fall apart. It would continue for several minutes as everyone respectfully and in awe gave her space, but without missing a beat she would continue with the last chorus on a high note, ending with an upbeat flourish in the grand finale, …and Hashem saves us from their hands!

The 'song of life' is a symphony, with many different movements: upbeat; sad; suspenseful; dance; joyous; and enthused. They are all connected and comprise a unit that reflects its composer.

As long as we sing without lapses, we will remain close to our Creator and secure in His embrace assured that it will all one day conclude with great flourish!


צבי יהודה טייכמאן





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Prof. Shai Davidai, a lecturer at Columbia University, which recently suffered from violent anti-Israel protests, published an open letter to Israeli academics expressing his concern for their imminent harm. "To all my friends who research and lecture in Israel, it's hard for me to say this, but it's important that you know. You will be the first to be harmed," Davidai He mentioned that "The processes are already in motion and although you don't feel it yet, it's coming. And when it arrives, it will be too late to act". "It will start almost without you noticing. Articles that won't be accepted for publication and lectures that won't be accepted at conferences. Professional organizations that will endorse boycotts. Seminar lectures that won't take plac...
For most people, Pesach is already a distant memory.  The dishes have all been packed away. But those who participated in the outstanding pre-Pesach shiurim sponsored by Agra D’Pirka are no doubt still feeling the effects of the spiritually uplifting program even after Yom Tov is over. Agra D’Pirka’s pre-Pesach shiurim were held in four locations – Flatbush, Queens, Baltimore, and Boca Raton. In all, close to 400 people participated in person, and many more were privileged to watch the shiurim on TorahAnytime. HaRav Aharon Kahn at a recent legal holiday shiur In Flatbush, Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO of the O-U, discussed many relevant and timely issues about Pesach, including post-Pesach kashrus issues. Rav Aharon Kahn spoke about concepts related to Purim, P...
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A senior Israeli official on Tuesday told Reuters that Hamas' counteroffer to the Egyptian proposal is not acceptable to Israel, and only constitutes a willingness to return to the negotiating table. The source told Reuters that, "This would appear to be a ruse intended to make Israel look like the side refusing a deal." He added that that Israeli delegation which will soon set out for Cairo will examine whether there is a willingness to discuss the proposal, and if there is not, the delegation may immediately return to Israel. Meanwhile, Israel's Channel 12 News reported that according to the new proposal, Israel would begin releasing re-arrested Shalit deal terrorists, beginning on the 22nd day of the ceasefire. In 2011, Israel f...
The IDF has confirmed that its forces gained control of the Gazan side of Rafah Crossing on Tuesday morning, and the crossing is now under full IDF control. "Following intelligence that indicated that the Rafah Crossing in eastern Rafah was being used for terrorist purposes, IDF troops managed to establish operational control of the Gazan side of the crossing," the IDF reported. The DIF added: "On Sunday, mortars were fired from the area of the Rafah Crossing toward the area of the Kerem Shalom Crossing, as a result of which four IDF soldiers were killed and a number of other soldiers injured." During the operations, the IDF's Division 162, Brigade 401, and Givati Brigade took control of the crossing with the aid of other forces. Thus far, 20 terrorists have been eliminated in the ...
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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) became the first elite institution to scrap diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) statements from its faculty hiring process.  On Sunday, the school confirmed to UnHerd that it was removing a requirement that mandated all prospective faculty submit a diversity, equity and inclusion statement during the hiring process. A university spokesperson told Fox News Digital that "requests for a statement on diversity will no longer be part of applications for any faculty positions at MIT" and added that the decision was made by the school’s president, Sally Kornbluth, with the support of the Provost, Chancellor, and all six academic deans. "My goals are to tap into the full scope of human talent, to bring the very best to MIT, a...
The New York Times has confirmed that on Monday night, the Hamas terror group proposed a counteroffer for a ceasefire-prisoner swap deal, and did not "agree" to the deal approved by both Israel and the US. Nevertheless, the counteroffer - though not deemed acceptable - was seen by the US as a sign of progress. The New York Times stressed that Israel's strikes in Rafah were "retaliation for Hamas rocket attacks that killed four Israeli soldiers," and a way to pressure Hamas, but did not constitute the strike that US President Joe Biden was warning against. Biden is still insisting to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that a ground invasion on Rafah "is a terrible idea," Mara Rudman, a former deputy Middle East special envoy under President ...
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Israeli officials have claimed that the Biden administration knew about the changes made to the ceasefire-prisoner swap deal offered by Egypt and Qatar to Hamas, but failed to inform Israel of the changes before Hamas announced that it had "accepted" a ceasefire, journalist Barak Ravid wrote on Axios. Ravid quoted a senior US official as denying the reports, claiming, "American diplomats have been engaged with Israeli counterparts. There have been no surprises." He also described the process as "extremely difficult." According to the official, the US believes that Israel has been negotiating in good faith, and that the April offer was "the most forward leaning proposal to date. To secure a ceasefire, Hamas simply needs to release hostages. It's all mapped out." The Biden admin...
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